Hannay No.3 Cal’s Rebuttal


(I’m the girly looking one with the pink laces – always a trend setter)

I was reading up about black holes in the NatGeo and scientists have yet to discover where the final point or ending is in the dead centre of a black hole? They’ve labelled it The Singularity. Scientist will have to rethink and reinvent everything Einstein discovered and hopefully one day make the greatest breakthrough in scientific history. Enough with the nerdy stuff. My greatest discovery/breakthrough/invention  – 2 minute achievement (I’m going to label it The Singularity) is creating a little being. Now our little Blimp hasn’t yet taken a breath yet but when my friend said that “kids change you without you even thinking about it” he was spot on. (Cheers Deano). I’m so damn stoked and excited I just want to say hi, train, surf, laugh, cry with blimp now!

And i’m crapping myself….

Every couple of hours through the day i jump out of everyday crap reality and drift into a momentary state of living and I think to myself. Holy sh*t i’ve got a little blimp on the way! What about when it turns 10, 11 or 13 or 20?… and discovers the opposite sex (I was a late bloomer) and proceed to ask me about the birds and cats n dogs. That’s the saying right? Sarah and I are gonna burst out into fits of laughter! (That’s just what we do).

I suppose we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. It just brings to mind the amount of time and effort Mom and Dad put into making my upbringing awesome. For instance I had a rugby game one morning many years ago and our team jerseys are white (a nightmare for any parent), but that afternoon I was a ballboy for Western Province Vs Northern Transvaal Blue Bulls (Old skool days) live on SuperSport channel 101… and you guessed it, we had to wear our team jersey. If anyone knows what the Cape Town weather is like, its much like a baby’s. If its not wet its windy. Mum, being as awesome as she is, did her absolute finest in making sure I looked the goods for television in my white jersey. I only tripped up once in the mud too! Its a weird story I know, but the smallest things are often the biggest and most memorable.

Blimp….I’m gonna do my absolute best.

P.S. Yes, my cute as hell – radiant – lovely – fit – gorgeous pregnant wife is still training, taking names and continue to do so.

P.P.S The fun continues….


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