Nike Pro Shorts

Hi my name is Sarah

I am 30 years young
I like training
Nike pro shorts
Lulu lemon sales
Love my Calpie
Best friend time
The beach
People watching
Acai bowls (only the James street ones)
Can be bossy
Hates fake people
Can’t lie
Tell it how it is…. Which is why I think most girls don’t understand me
Love a clean house
Love a challenge
Highly competitive #wineverything



And last of all I am the mother of “Fletcher Paul Hannay ”


Now because I listed fletcher last doesn’t mean I don’t love him less than my Nike pro shorts, but what it does mean is I am me, I am Sarah, yes I am a mum, but that doesn’t define who I am as a person .

I’ve seen it happen too many times, friends have a baby and bam whatever they did before is gone, it’s all about the baby. Now please don’t get me wrong a baby takes up a s$&t tonne of time, but you do not need to lose your identity .
I have had a lot of people make comments to me like, it’s ok for you to go to training and do your thing you have the support, or, you’re fit it’s easy for you. Sorry girls this doesn’t come easy, my day starts at 430am/5am training or cleaning the house, getting dinners ready, packing my bag for the day, training, working, training, cooking, oh and feeding fletch, changing him 10 thousand times, bathing, playing and singing with him, coming home and having a chat to Cal about his day, replying to emails, visiting mum and dad…. Mmmmm think that’s about it. So yes I have the support but I choose not to use it all the time (can’t use all my baby sitting tokens too quickly). So Fletch just comes along to all of it, and does he enjoy it, well I think so, everyone sings and claps with him, and he has endless sweaty chalky cuddles. And Yes i know it will get harder as he grows up!

Too many new mothers out there stop their lives.. Why ? Don’t you want to show you child it’s possible to do and be anything you want to be? You have to work hard for it, but it’s possible.

So there is my rant, now get off your butt and go do something for yourself, your child will thank you for it.


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